Serving Suggestion
Recipe image

SPAM® Gochujang Flavored Ramen

Enjoy a quick and easy meal with SPAM® Gochujang Flavored Ramen, ready in just 20 minutes! Simply brown the SPAM® slices, prepare the ramen according to package directions, and stir in some gochujang for an extra kick. Top with blanched baby bok choy, a soft-cooked egg, and chopped green onions for a delicious and satisfying bowl of ramen that brings the flavors of Korea to your table with minimal effort.




Prep Time
10 minutes


Cook Time
10 minutes


Total Time
20 minutes

  • 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Gochujang Flavored, sliced
  • 2 (4.23-ounce) packages Korean instant ramen noodle soup with seasonings
  • 1 tablespoon gochujang
  • Suggested toppings: Blanched baby bok choy, soft cooked egg and chopped green onions
  1. In large skillet, over medium-high heat, cook SPAM® Gochujang Flavored slices 3 to 5 minutes or until browned.
  2. Prepare ramen noodle soup according to package directions. Stir in gochujang.
  3. Serve individual bowls of ramen topped with SPAM® Gochujang Flavored slices and suggested toppings.